You too can SKYDIVE! Its Easier than you think!
At Eilat's Skydive School, it's safe and super-fun
The ULTIMATE thrill! Treat Yourself! You'll LOVE it!
As a Skydiving Center, Eilat offers world class conditions.: Clear skies, excellent visibility, calm sunny weather, one of the largest drop-zones in the world and most of all an experienced, highly professional staff to quickly "glide" you through the learning process and your first jumps. The SkyDive School is managed by the Ritter family and that is what makes it so friendly and unique.
Moshe Ritter is the founder, a man of all seasons, an adventurer with a track record. He is a fully licensed commercial pilot with over 9,000 hours in command. The club operates a Cessna 206 which has been specially fitted for skydiving.
Roy Ritter is chief instructor with over 3300 jumps under his belt. Roy also operates the Airodium Eilat Wind Tunnel where he has put in over 800 hours of wind-tunnel flight. Roy is a qualified USA Parachute Association Safety & Training Advisor and holds a Federal Aviation Administration Senior Riggers Certificate for packing reserve parachutes: Roy has participated in 3 World Skydive Championships , numerous exhibition events and is a master-guide in tandem jumping - including with paraplegics and quadriplegics . Roy is also an aerial acrobat, sky-surfer and group formation jump captain.
Noya Ritter, is Skydivers' drop-zone manager: She began skydiving at the age of 16 and has over 450 jumps to her credit. Noya is a USA Parachute Association Jump Master.
Skydiver Course: If you are healthy then the sky's the limit throw caution to the wind. First you'll have a few sessions in the Airodium wind-tunnel (10-12 hours flying-time) which is great fun in itself. Then you'll be ready for your adventure of a lifetime Real Skydiving! All with the best available saftey equimpent supplied by the Club. And if you'd like to wow the folks back home, we can even video you in action.
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Nothing could be Simpler: Eilat Skydivers and the whole course could be arranged to fit in with your holiday in Eilat. Imagine! Parachute Skydiving , Coral Reef Diving and Sunbathing, all in a single holiday. Go for it!
For Course Details and prices regarding the adventure vacation of a lifetime contact:
Roy, Moshe or Noya Ritter,
Airodium, Eilat, Israel,
Tel: 972-7-6332386
Email: roy@skydive.co.il